Monday, October 17, 2016

Ghost Town? No,Just Starting Over

FOR OVER A YEAR,I have been ill. The doctors discovered it was a large tumor on my cervical spinal cord,and in July it was removed. It was a slow and painful recovery from wheel chair to walking. I still have along way to go, but I am so grateful to be almost back to my old self! :) My blog was new,and I only had a few followers, so on wise advice from a friend,I decided to remove ancient posts and start over.
I plan for my new schedule to be random posts,except for Thursdays and Fridays.

THURSDAYS..AUTHOR TOOTS.On Thursdays, I will link my facebook page to this blog ,and post FREE Kindle books ,and toot authors.
FRIDAYS....FANTASTIC AUTHORS! I will link my facebook page to this blog. Hopefully,I will be able to persuade a few authors to be interviewed,even if the blog is new and a blank canvas so far! Wish me luck!

Here's an interview Mildred Colvin did of yours truly.


  1. Welcome and congrats to starting over in the blogging world!!!

  2. Hey thanks! I appreciate the comments,and being cheered on!
